Submission Guidelines is an online repository of Original Dungeons & Dragons® content: rule variants, new monsters, new spells, options for player characters, and even new campaign settings. To make this resource as good as it can be, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines when submitting your own material.
Author Registration
Before you can submit content, you must register as an author. Registration is free and easy—just follow these instructions:
- Start with the Terms of Use; if you find them agreeable, continue with your registration.
- Click on the Register link on the left side of any page.
- Provide a Username; for clarity, we suggest your actual name or “handle” in so-called CamelCase, in which each separate word is capitalised but connected into a single string (e.g., ErinSmale).
- Provide your Email address; this is where you will receive your login verification. Please note that your email address is kept private and not distributed under any circumstance.
- Follow the instructions in the verification email.
- When your account is verified, email the admin to request author registration;
you must include your username in the request.
Formatting Guidelines
Submitting an article is very simple, though we ask that you adhere to some stylistic conventions to keep content consistent across the site.
- Title: Select your article title carefully – it becomes part of the article’s URL.
- Teaser: Add a sub-title to your article and separate it from the body copy with the <!–more–> tag to ensure that it displays properly.
- Sub-heads: Separate sections within your article with the <h2> tag.
- Featured Image: All articles need a featured image – pixel dimensions are 800 x 445.
- Article Images: Include any inline images as 150 x 150 thumbnails, aligned either right or left.
- Taxonomy: Select at least one category for your article; tags are extremely helpful, though check to see if your tag exists before adding it.
- Sources: If you’re quoting or referencing rules, cite the ruleset and page number (e.g., RC/87 for “Rules Cyclopedia,” page 87; or B33 for Moldvay Basic, page 33).
- Consistency: It’s important that all posts have similar formatting, look, and feel. Try your best to follow existing standards; when in doubt, find a similar article on the site and emulate its format (e.g., if you’re contributing a monster, use the same format as an existing monster entry).
Additional Notes
- You retain the copyright to any article you submit. Anything you contribute will be “signed” with your Username, so we encourage you to select a Username that clearly identifies you.
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