
Point Blank Range

Giving shooters incentive to get “up close and personal.”
In addition to the standard short, medium, and long range, consider allowing missile weapons to fire at point blank range, equal to half the normal short range.

Point blank range grants a +1 “to-hit” bonus (use the standard “to-hit” modifiers for other ranges: short range = +0, medium range = -1, long range = -3).

When determining point blank range, round fractions down. For example, a long bow (range 7/14/21) has a point blank range of 3 [7 / 2 = 3.5 = 3].

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Erin Smale

Erin Smale is the author of the Chimera RPG and WelshPiper.com, a sporadic, rambling blog that provides tips and tools for the time-challenged game master. He lives in secret along the New Jersey coast with his ass-kicking wife and astoundingly cute dog.

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