Caves of the Unknown – Cobweb Caverns
By G. Bruce MacKenzie
In an earlier article I’d posted a map which enticingly links to the KOTB map. The map of level 1 was meant to inspire others to develop their own maps. Meanwhile I continued to work on my own under the auspices of an independent adventure, The Cobweb Caverns. This eventually became the adventure Wildwood, which is set entirely in another land and was created as a module for the Chimera Role Playing GameTM.
As you may or may not know the I and J series maps from the Judges Guild were very interesting and inspiring to me and although they did not have a dungeon text they provided hours of entertainment as I added my own content. The maps which follow here are presented in the same spirit, that is I hope you find them entertaining.
There are a few symbols on the maps from the Wildwood/Cobweb Caverns adventure which may require some explanation. There is a horrible monster on level 3. There are symbols carved in the walls by the Guardians who seek to keep this terror contained.

The key to the symbols is provided as follows, its also on the maps:

The monstrous horror cannot escape past map key 31 unless the Gate of Legend is carelessly left open by adventurers. The small red circle represents how small the creature may compress itself but its full size is indicated by the large circle. Note even that at its smallest size the creature cannot enter 10′ tunnels. By no means does anyone have to follow this, I offer it as an explanation.

The maps were drawn in Inkscape and I took some pains to develop an independent system of non TSR map symbols. For those that like to draw their own maps some years ago I uploaded the map symbols in a template to wikimediacommons. They are available there. Note that the symbols have a style; all traps have a triangle in them in one corner, ceiling symbols have a dot in one corner.
Well, on to the maps. They represent the finished work in Wildwood with its Cobweb Caverns dungeon. You can download the maps by right clicking them, they are in PNG format.
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Where can I get this set of maps with a key? It looks like just the kind of thing I want for my games.
Hi, Sorry for not replying sooner. The key to the map symbols is on the first map.
The maps are fabulous!
I am starting to do maps in Inkscape and back in 2011 there was a forum post saying you had some assets for Inkscape for drawing dungeons. I can’t find them on this blog. Are they still available please?
Hi Bob,
No problem. I did put them on Wikimedia Commons:
I’ll look at my cd library tomorrow and see what else I have. If you need an explanation let me know.
Hi Bob,
I didn’t get a chance this weekend as things turn out but I’ll do that today and send you some examples by private email. My technique is to draw things in layers. Once you see an example it should help you quite a bit.