DM InformationMonsters

BX Space – Space Fantasy Monsters

Monster Stats

Note that if variable damage is not used all monster damage is d6. The following statistics are used within the scope of these rules:

Armor Class: 9 through 2 No. Appearing: #-# (#-#)
Hit Dice: ½ Hit Point or more Save As: Cleric, Fighter, Magic-User, Thief: #
Move: Typically 60′ (20’) Morale: typically 9 or 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 22 through 26
Damage: 1-6 or variable dice, + special Alignment: Typically Chaotic or Neutral, but may be Lawful

BX-Space Treasure Types

There are 26 numbered treasure types. The following table illustrates Space Treasure Types 22 through 26.


100’s of Copper

100’s of Silver

100’s of Electrum

100’s of Gold

100’s of Platinum

Gems & Jewelry

Space Treasure Items


25% 1-4

20% 1-4

15% 1-4

10% 1-4

5% 1-6

25% 1-6

25% 2


100’s of Copper, 25% 1-6

100’s of Silver, 20% 1-4

100’s of Electrum, 15% 1-4

100’s of Gold, 10% 1-4

100’s of Platinum, 5% 1-6

25% 1-6

20% 3








25% 2


2-8 coins per individual

2-8 coins per individual







2-8 coins per individual

2-8 coins per individual

10% 1-4 coins per individual

15% 1-4 coins per individual




The following table may be used to convert treasure type numbers to letters.





















































Space Fantasy Monsters


Armor Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1 (0)
Hit Dice: 4‘ Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 60′ (20’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 24, 26
Damage: 2-8 + special Alignment: Neutral

Blobs are a primitive life form, they live to eat and make more Blobs. These medium-size space monsters are able to propel themselves through N-Space and stick to Ships but they cannot enter Hyperspace or Ultraspace. If a Blob can find a point of entry it can then board the ship and attack the crew. The Blob can move through the interior spaces of a ship, sweeping the bulkheads and decks clean of all living and dead material. In the process, they may pick up items they can’t dissolve. Blobs attack any living creature they encounter, inflicting 2d4 points of damage. Each successful hit will paralyze the victim unless a Saving Throw versus Paralysis is made. Any attacks on a paralyzed victim will automatically hit (only a damage roll is needed). This paralysis is the normal type (lasting 2-8 turns unless removed by a Cure Light Wounds spell). A Blob may be harmed by fire, weapons, cold and lightning (electricity).


Armor Class: 8 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: 25
Damage: 1-8 or weapon Alignment: Chaotic

Cadaverites are radioactive undead resuscitated in mysterious circumstances. They are immune to the effects of space and vacuum since they are already dead. They are greatly feared because they retain their intelligence and emit radiation in a 3” radius. Radiation is harmful to characters and damages ship systems falling within the radius. As all undead, they may be “Turned” by a cleric just as if they were Zombies but are not affected by sleep or charm spells or any form of mind reading. Cadaverites will always attack on sight, but can be destroyed by normal weapons. They are slow fighters, and always strike last (no initiative roll needed).


Armor Class: 8 through 4 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: 26
Damage: 1-8 or weapon Alignment: Chaotic

The Caliban are chimeric humanoids varying in ichthyosis and appearance. They prefer humid watery worlds which are best suited to their physiology and avoid ice covered or desert planets. Their irregularly scaly hides offer variable armour class protection. Their hands and feet, when they have them, are webbed and they often have claws, tails, tentacles, or other chimeric animal characteristics. Their singularly recognizable facial characteristics are large bulbous eyes, a slit of a mouth that conceals pointed teeth, holes for ears, gills, and catfish like whiskers. The Caliban have 5 distinct sexes necessary for reproduction. They reproduce in clutches of eggs which must be protected. The hatchlings are aquatic tadpole like creatures but mature into amphibious adults.

Beyond the mere fact of the variation of their chaotic appearance their minds do not work in ways that other humanoids find easy to understand and mutual misunderstanding is often a source of conflict. The Caliban are possessed of a mysterious croaking language which other humanoids find difficult to enunciate. Nor are the Caliban themselves proficient linguists. This forces either the use of sign language, writing, or the use of magic in order to communicate with others. The Caliban are typically short tempered to start with and easily frustrated by the lengths required to successfully communicate with others.

The Caliban are skilled space travelers. Until late in the war they alone possessed the secret of Ultraspace travel which proved nearly decisive in the war with the Terrans. One reason the war with the Terrans ended in a truce was that the Terrans were able to occupy strategically important desert planets within Caliban space which were inhospitable to the Caliban and from which they launched decisive attacks. The Caliban found it difficult or impossible to retake these worlds from the Terrans.

Under the terms of the subsequent peace treaty the desert planets occupied by the Terrans in Caliban Space have now been abandoned. Officially, contact with the Caliban is supposed to be limited to a few planets of commerce in order to provide support services necessary to avert misunderstandings but trade and other contact routinely and unofficially takes place within the regions of Disputed Space.

Constructs, U-Space

Armor Class: 8 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: N/A
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 2-8 Alignment: Chaotic

U-Space Constructs appear within a ship traveling in Ultraspace. They are hideous creatures of madness, physical chimeras. Such Monsters are the temporary constructs of strange entities disturbed by the passage of a Rocket Ship through Ultraspace. The constructs are entirely without fear and are possessed of a berserk blood lust; they destroy, smash, and slay. They smash any ship systems they can reach. The systems they attack must make a Saving Throw or become inoperative. When a ship returns to N-Space these terrible creatures cannot exist in N-Space and they disappear.

Creepy Crawlies

Armor Class: No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 2+2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale:
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 1-4 Alignment: Chaotic

Creepy Crawlies are gray coloured nasty little flesh eating caterpillars which swarm and bite. They are immune to vacuum. When gathered in numbers of 4 or more they sing, which causes paralysis unless a Saving Throw versus Paralysis is made. This paralysis is the normal type (lasting 2-8 turns unless removed by a Cure Light Wounds spell). Of course they cannot sing in a vacuum. Creepy Crawlies pupate for a time after feeding, within a rock hard shell, before becoming a Giant Space Moth.

Energy Leeches

Armor Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1-10 (3-36)
Hit Dice: 1 Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 30’ (10’) Morale: 9
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 25
Damage: 1-3 Alignment: Neutral

Energy Leeches attach themselves to Gadgets and Rocket Ships and feed on the energy which powers them. When an Energy Leech attacks it attaches itself tightly to the item carrying power. A successful hit means that it has attached itself. Once attached, it will automatically render 1 system inoperative and remain attached for 2d6 Turns while it feeds. The systems affected remain inoperative as long as the leeches are attached. Energy Leeches can attack and bite. Energy Leeches are tough and save as Fighter: 2.

Giant Brains

Armor Class: 9 No. Appearing: 1, +1-10 (3-36) Synthetic Minions
Hit Dice: 4 Save As: Magic User:
Move: Not Applicable Morale: 9
Attacks: None Treasure Type: 22
Damage: 1-6 Alignment: Chaotic

Giant Brains are the great thinkers of their civilization and are served by rather mindless Synthetic Minions produced in vats. The Synthetic Minions are are not think encouraged to think for themselves for after all the Giant Brain knows best. In fact the Giant Brains frown on others doing any thinking on their own. The Giant Brain prefers schemes and manipulations and has others do its fighting for it. Giant brains will often have magical and paranormal psychic powers which the Space Master may define as they wish.

Synthetic Minions are not otherwise unlike normal humans (refer to known rules).

Gummy Men

Armor Class: 8 No. Appearing: 1-10 (3-36)
Hit Dice: 1 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 60′ (20’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1, or Weapon Treasure Type: 26
Damage: 1-6 + Special Alignment: Chaotic

Gummy Men are transparent blob like creatures with a man-like form. They are similar to slimes and oozes in may respects but are intelligent. Gummy Men consume bio-matter in the same manner as a gelatinous cube and possess a similar paralysing touch. Each successful attack paralyzes a victim unless a Saving Throw vs. Paralysis is made; grant a +5% [+1] dice roll modifier to the saving throw. Attacks on a paralyzed victim automatically hit and only a damage roll is needed. Gummy Man paralysis lasts 2-8 turns unless it is removed with a Cure Light Wounds spell.

Gummy Men may squeeze through impossibly small spaces such as cracks as they have no skeleton or chitin to impede their movement. Their movement is significantly slowed (1”) however when performing this activity. Anything they carry within them is left behind when they perform this feat if it cannot pass through the gap. When they attack it is with club-like blows, or they envelop their foe and cause acid damage. Their acid has no effect on metal or stone. Edged weapons and fire cause full damage. Electricity and Cold have no effect upon them.


Armor Class: 9 through 2 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: 25
Damage: 1-8 or weapon Alignment: Law, Neutral, Chaotic

The Independents do not fall within the Terran sphere of influence. Some were abandoned by the Terran withdrawal from the Disputed Space Territory, others are political exiles, the latter can’t abide the yoke of the Emperor’s rule.

The Independents are not trusted by the Terrans since they have no allegiance to the Terran state. They also have few protections accorded to Terran citizens under Terran law. The Independents live out their lives in Disputed Space knowing the Terrans may well choose not to aid them should the Caliban or others attack.

The Independent’s have a Code but it is more a guideline than a fixed set of rules.

Little Green Men

Armor Class: 6 No. Appearing: 2-8 (6-60)
Hit Dice: 1+1 Save As: Normal Man
Move: 60’ (20’) Morale: 7
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: 26
Damage: 1-6 or by weapon Alignment: Chaotic

These halfling sized man-like creatures have small bodies and large oversized veined heads with bulbous eyes. They are well suited to darkness and have darkvision, with light causing them to act at a disadvantage, -5% [-1] dice roll modifier.

These aliens wear a one piece green suit with a bubble like helmet which provides the gasses they need in order to breathe because they cannot breathe air alone, they suffocate in 2d4 rounds. The Little Green Men visit other worlds to gather resources and often take what they need without asking. Little Green Men often use disintegrating Ray Guns.

They may inject venom with a touch which typically causes Paralysis but there is a 10% chance for Humans and Halflings it will cause Death instead with a +2 Saving Throw Modifier applied; this is reduced to 5% for Elves. The paralysis caused by the venom is the normal type (lasting 2-8 turns unless removed by a Cure Light Wounds spell).

Robots, NPC

Armor Class: 5 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Dwarf: 1
Move: 90’ (30’) Morale: Not Applicable
Attacks: 1 claw Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 1-6 or weapon Alignment: Any

Robots are often used as henchmen by villains. Robots do have an alignment which is consistent with their purpose. While useful, and they only do as they are told, they stupidly follow their limited programming. Robots behave much as Zombies do, accepting simple commands from their masters and performing them.

Robots are not affected by sleep or charm spells or any form of mind reading. They are often placed to guard treasures, since they are tireless guards. A Robot has a 45% chance of detecting a danger within 120′, which is decreased by 5% if damaged. Robots will always attack on sight if that is their purpose, but they can be destroyed by normal weapons. They are slow fighters, and always strike last (no initiative roll needed).

NPC Robot Systems

Non Player Robots have systems not unlike a Rocket Ship. When a Robot is damaged a system may also be damaged or made inoperative, roll 1d8 to determine which system is damaged, make a Saving Throw for the System, failure means that it is inoperative.







-5% [-1] Dice Roll Modifier

Without its claws a Robot cannot manipulate objects


Danger Sensor

-5% Dice Roll Modifier

Without its sensor a Robot cannot detect Danger,


Data Link

-5% [-1] Dice Roll Modifier

Data cannot be uploaded or downloaded.


Language (1)

The Robot is confused by commands and performs some action other than the one intended but within the scope of its purpose.

Without a language system a Robot cannot communicate. It cannot speak or understand what is said. Without a language system a Robot cannot accept verbal commands. It must be able to understand the character communicating with it to accept a command.



The Robot is confused. -5% [-1] Dice Roll Modifier

The Motivator gives the NPC Robot purpose, without its motivator an NPC Robot cannot take any action. The Motivator will have an alignment consistent with the NPC Robot’s purpose.



Move Maximum 60‘ (20’)

The Robot cannot move.



-5% [-1] Dice Roll Modifier

The Robot cannot communicate via Radio


Repair Gadgets or Systems

-5% [-1] Dice Roll Modifier

Unable to Repair a specific Gadget or Rocket Ship System


Armor Class: 7 No. Appearing: 3-12 (3-30)
Hit Dice: 1 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 60’ (20’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 25
Damage: 1-6 or weapon, Blast 2d4 Alignment: Chaotic

Selenites are skeleton-like creatures which favour asteroids and moons as their habitation and they are immune to the effects of radiation and the vacuum of space. They are feared because numbers of Selenites, 20% of any group, on first sighting an enemy, will rush their foes 25% of the time and explode themselves with a Blast showering opponents with deadly shards in a 3” radius; causing 2d4 damage to those who fail their saving throw vs. Blast.

Shape Shifters

Armor Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1-8 (1-12)
Hit Dice: 2 +2 Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 180’ (60’), or by Humanoid Type Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 24, 26
Damage: 1-6 or weapon, Gas 2d4 Alignment: Any

Shape Shifters live in floating cities which are suspended in the clouds of Gas Giants. They do not mind the atmosphere, gravity, or pressure of these worlds. They are the only creatures capable of descending to the surface of a Gas Giant and returning unscathed. They may take the form of humanoids at will if they so wish although their true form is that of a 1 x 1 x 1” poisonous gas cloud; those within the cloud must make a Saving Throw vs. Poison to avoid injury. In the form of a gas they are immune to fire and lightning (electricity).

Ship Scale Space Monsters

Armor Class: 5 No. Appearing: 1
Hit Dice: 2-5 Save As: Fighter: 5
Move: N/A Morale: 12
Attacks: 1-3 Treasure Type: 22 or 23
Damage: 1-6 Alignment: Any

These monsters are the size of ships, they feed on space junk, meteoroids, etc., so a Rocket Ship may just be considered as potential food, a rival, or a predator. They have the same specs as ships. They do not really have cannon but cause damage with the same result. The exact nature of a Ship Scale Monster is up to the Space Master to define.

Ship Scale Space Monsters Specs

Ship Class




Cargo Space1

Number of Hit Dice


Ship Scale Space Monster




4800 coins



Note 1 – 10 coins = 1 pound

Note 2 – Enc reflects “crew” but this may extend to mean a monster with a symbiotic relationship such as an Energy Leech, or parasites. These may also attack a Rocket Ship.


Armor Class: 5 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-8)
Hit Dice: 3 Save As: Fighter: 3
Move: 90’ (30‘) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 24, 26
Damage: Energy drain Alignment: Chaotic

The Solarians are nearly always solitary ethereal beings who prefer to live on planets close to stars. They are renowned for their philosophy, knowledge, and augury. Some disparage them and call them Demons, but never to their face, for they always exact a telling price for their consultations and it is best to make a careful bargain with a Solarian. When they attack Solarians are greatly feared, as they drain life energy when striking a victim. Each hit drains one level of experience or hit dice (refer to known rules).


Smugglers may well be just traders with questionable ethics (refer to known rules).

Space Bugs

Armor Class: 3 No. Appearing: 1-8 (2-12)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 8
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 25
Damage: 2-8 Alignment: Neutral

Space Bugs are 8’ long beetles with iron hard metal bodies. They commonly live in asteroid fields and they are immune to the effects of vacuum and radiation. They usually feed on the metals found in asteroids but Rocket Ships, being pure metal, are hard to resist. Space Bugs easily detect metal in any form. Swarms of the creatures may fly through space and descend upon ships, tearing them to pieces with their pincers, not from malice, but from hunger. Space Bugs are territorial and will valiantly defend their home asteroid and nest of eggs from intruders.

Space Patrol

Terrans founded the Space Patrol and allowed beings from other Terran planets to join it. Members of the Space Patrol must follow an ethical code; they protect Terran citizens and Terran interests, and they report to the Terran Beaurocracy and Emperor. They are mainly normal humans (refer to known rules), but may also be Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings.

Space Pirates

Space Pirates are villainous rogues who rob for profit, they are like bandits (refer to known rules). Pirates usually attack if there is something to be gained.

Space Crab Spiders

Armor Class: 7 No. Appearing: 1-4 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 7
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: Nil
Damage: 2-8 + Poison Alignment: Neutral

Space Crab Spiders are metallic 8’ long giant spiders. They are immune to the vacuum of space and are able to fly in zero gravity as well as crawl; clinging to the hulls, decks, and bulkheads of Rocket Ships as well as walls and ceilings. They can cling to the hull of a Rocket Ship and survive Blast Off and Landing.

Not unlike a chameleon, Space Crab Spiders can change their color to blend into their surroundings and they surprise on a roll of 1-4 (d6). Space Crab Spiders can leap up to 60’ to pounce on their prey. A victim bitten by a crab spider must save vs. Poison or become paralysed in 6 Rounds. However, the victim may add + 2 to the Saving Throw roll.

A Space Crab Spider will lay 1d8 eggs in a paralysed victim which will hatch into parasitical worms 1d8 days later each causing 1d6 Damage when they emerge as diminutive Space Crab Spiders. These diminutive creatures bite for 1 Hit Point but their poison is no less effective than that of an adult. They will eventually mature into full size creatures in 8 months time. Only adults may lay eggs.

Space Soldiers

Space Soldiers are fanatical followers of The Leader (a character not unlike a noble in known rules), an enigmatic and cruel being who is intent on conquering others. Space Soldiers are not human at all but “Synthetics”. The synthetic soldiers are the creation of The Leader who has turned all the science and industry at his disposal to the single minded goal of conquering the galaxy. Convinced of his own mental and physical superiority the Leader is arrogant and disdainful of other beings as are his synthetic Space Soldiers.

Space Soldiers are not otherwise unlike normal humans (refer to known rules).


Armor Class: 9 through 2 No. Appearing: 2-8 (4-24)
Hit Dice: Variable Save As: Fighter: 1
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 weapon Treasure Type: 26
Damage: 1-8 or weapon Alignment: Law, Neutral, Chaotic

Terrans are members of a multi-planet state, a medieval futurism, which is ruled over by an Emperor, and it is mainly composed of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and other intelligent creatures. All citizens of the Terran state are all referred to as Terrans. Noble Titles and Offices in the bureaucracy of the Terran Empire may be acquired by various means only by citizens. The Space Patrol is a Terran Empire creation.

Non-citizens of the Terran Empire are referred to as “Independents” and they are not trusted since they have no allegiance to the Terran state. They also have very limited protection as accorded to Terran citizens under Terran law.

Player characters may be citizens of the Terran Empire or Independents.

The long violent space war between the Terran Empire and the Caliban has finally ended, but it is an uneasy truce. Neither side truly trusts the other.

Web Terrors

Web Terrors are ship scale monsters with an Escape Number of 3. Web Terrors spin a giant Web Sail to travel through space. These creatures lie in wait at the center of their web, as dark as a black hole, and consuming all that are caught in the web. A ship which fails to escape is caught and automatically suffers damage equivalent to the attack of a cannon each round of combat it fails to escape. Per cannon attacks, ship systems may fail. When a Rocket Ship is reduced to 0 Hit Points it is grappled by the Web Terror and drawn to the center of the web where the creature then boards the ship and devours its crew.

Ship Class




Cargo Space

Number of Hit Dice


Web Terrors






Web Terrors

Armor Class: 5 No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-8)
Hit Dice: 3 Save As: Fighter: 3
Move: 90’ (30‘) Morale: 12
Attacks: 1 Treasure Type: 23
Damage: Energy drain Alignment: Chaotic

Web Terrors are greatly feared, as they drain life energy when striking a victim. Each hit drains one level of experience or hit dice (refer to known rules).


Armor Class: 9 No. Appearing: 1-8 (1-4)
Hit Dice: 2 Save As: Fighter: 2
Move: 120’ (40’) Morale: Not applicable
Attacks: 1, Spores Treasure Type: 25
Damage: 1-6 + special Alignment: Neutral

Y’lech are ambulatory intelligent fungi whose thoughts are calculating and alien. They spread from planet to planet by launching their spores into space. Y’lech can only be killed by fire or disintegration; a torch will only do 1-4 points of damage to it each round. The touch of a Y’lech will eat through wood and leather but does not harm metal or stone. When Y’lech are themselves touched (by a torch, for, example) the touch may cause spores to spray out in a 10’x10’x10’ cloud. There is a 45% chance per hit that the Y’lech will spray this cloud. Anyone caught within the cloud must save vs. Death Ray or choke to death within 6 rounds. 1d4 Y’lech will grow from the corpse in 2d6 Days if it is not destroyed by fire or disintegration.


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